Urinary incontinence generally occurs after a certain years of age. Urinary incontinence in women can be due to many factors.
Urinary incontinence can be due to a great variety of factors. In many cases, this is a curable condition. Urinary incontinence, which causes loss of self-confidence and a sense of shame in the person, can also pave the way for some other psychological problems.
Urinary Incontinence in Women
Urinary incontinence is a common problem that often leads to loss of self-confidence. Although urinary incontinence becomes more common as people get older, it is not an inevitable result of aging. If urinary incontinence affects your daily activities, do not hesitate to consult your physician. Simple lifestyle changes or medical treatment can relieve the disorder or stop urinary incontinence in most people.
Urinary Incontinence in Women
Stress Incontinence - Urine leaks out when you cough, sneeze, laugh, exercise, or lift something heavy.
Urge incontinence - You may have a sudden, intense urge to urinate, and then experience an involuntary loss of urine.
Overflow incontinence - You may feel a constant urge to urinate due to a bladder, which is cannot be emptied completely.
Functional incontinence - You may have a physical or mental impairment that keeps you from going to the toilet in time.
You may feel uncomfortable discussing urinary incontinence with your physician. However, if urinary incontinence is frequent or affects your quality of life, it is important to seek medical care. Urinary incontinence is not a disease, but a symptom. This may be caused by everyday habits, underlying medical conditions, or physical problems.
With a comprehensive evaluation, your physician can help you determine what is behind your incontinence. Urinary incontinence in women can be a persistent condition caused by physical problems or changes.
What Are Other Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Women?
Pregnancy - Hormonal changes and the increase in the weight of the fetus can result in stress incontinence.
Childbirth - Vaginal delivery may weaken the muscles needed for bladder control, and can also cause damage to the bladder nerves, leading to a prolapsed pelvic floor.
Age - Aging of the bladder muscle can cause a decrease in the bladder’s capacity to store urine. In addition, involuntary bladder contractions are experienced more frequently as you get older.
Menopause - After menopause, women produce less amount of estrogen, a hormone that helps make the bladder and urethra healthy. Deterioration of these tissues can worsen urinary incontinence.
How is Urinary Incontinence Treated?
It is quite important to consult a urologist for the treatment of urinary incontinence in women.
If the patient with complaints is overweight, he/she is prompted to lose weight with a healthy diet, as the first step of the treatment. Afterward, drug therapy is administered if deemed necessary.
If urinary incontinence is due to diabetes, the patient's drugs are rearranged accordingly.
Patients who use tobacco products and alcohol excessively are advised to reduce such consumptions.
If urinary incontinence is due to urinary tract infections, this condition is treated with appropriate antibiotics.
Women are advised to do Kegel exercises to strengthen the bladder and pelvic muscles.
If urinary incontinence is due to a prolapsed bladder, surgical treatment can be recommended.